Favorite Anime Quotes

“Drivel. The notion of set fate is ridiculous. Cause and effect can be bent through strength.”

Hotsuin - Devil Survivor 2: The Animation (ep 7)

I want to protect… my safety be damned!

–Author & Title Unknown

X-eins: “She’s our superior officer.”

H-Neun: “I’m a man, she’s a woman.”

Kriemhild: “No, I’m an adult, and you’re a horny child.”

H-neun: “In that case, please make a man out of me! By all means!”

Valvrave the Liberator (ep 8)

Jean Kirschtein: “Do you have any idea how jealous i am of you?”

Attack on Titan Ep.4

“I may run and hide, but I’ll never tell a lie. Yeah, that’s me in a nut shell.” -Duo Maxwell

Nyarko: “So, where are you right now?”

Shanta-kun: “Mii…… Mii, mii, mii, mii.”

Nyarko: “What? Where there’s a lot of naked women?!”

Kuuko: “The Boy has gone for debauchery?”

Nyarko: “Why are you with Mahiro-san in such a sweet, obscene, blasphemous place?! How shameful, yet I’m jealous!”

Nyarko-san: Another Crawling Chaos W (ep 8)

Mahiro: “What’s natural for you is unnatural for the rest of the world.”

Nyarko: “Then what is natural?”

Nyarko-san: Another Crawling Chaos W (ep 8)

“Today, my life as a normal person will come to an end.”

Takao - Flowers of Evil (ep 8)

“…………But I know that’s just them being nice. People who are nice to me are also nice to everyone else. I almost end up forgetting that. If the truth is cruel, then lies must be kind. That’s why kindness is a lie.”

Hachiman - My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU (ep 5)

“Hey…… don’t you just love the word “potato”?”

Yukari - Yuyushiki (ep 6)

Mom: “She scared me there. Really, you shouldn’t scare me like that. You’ll scare me.”

Yuzuko: “S-Sorry…”

Mom: “That was scary. I really was scared.”

Yukari: (“She really can’t take scares.”)

Yuyushiki (ep 6)

“How utterly meaningless. Too many men are shallow idiots, who only wish for immediate gratification.”

Shihoudou - The Severing Crime Edge (ep 6)

Hachiman: “Hey! I’m really grown up! I grumble, I tell filthy lies, I do underhanded things…”

Yui: “I never knew you had such a sad image of adults.”

My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU (ep 7)

“Just like Stand users are drawn to one another, lonely people have a knack for finding other lonely people.”

Hachiman - My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU (ep 7)

Yukino: “What are you doing here at this hour? You should have a good, long, eternal sleep.”

Hachiman: “Could you not sentence me to death and disguise it as a kindness?”

My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU (ep 7)

“This is all that remains of the world. Though we knew it was coming, it’s pretty shocking, huh? The disappearance not of matter but of awareness, of ideals. Not death. Something even more pure. The fact that we life forms ever existed… Our past, present and future, it will all disappear.”

Prof. Kanno - Devil Survivor 2: The Animation – ep 8

“So that’s it. She’s given up completely. It’s said that if you change, the world changes with you, but that’s not true. When people evaluate others, it’s through prejudice and existing impressions. People who are alone are pressured to stay alone. If they work hard to stand out in something, it only becomes ammo to use against them. That’s the lousy rule of the world of kids.”

Hachiman - My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU (ep 8)

“The question: The world does not change. One can change oneself. How, then, does one change? The answer: Become the god of a new world.”

Hachiman - My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU (ep 8)

“Thinking that it’s bad to run away is only for strong people. It’s not always one’s own fault. The world, our society, people around us… There are plenty of times when someone else is to blame. Saying “I can change myself” is just admitting defeat in order to adapt to this cold, cruel world, so that you can be its slave. It’s no more than a basis for deceiving yourself and decorating it with pretty words.”

Hachiman - My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU (ep 8)

Yukari: “Yui-chan!”

Yui: “Stop it! You do this every year.”

Yukari: “Aww, but… I went without smelling you for three whole days!”

Yui: “What? You do that?”

Yukari: “I sure do!”

Yui: “Don’t smell me!”

Yuyushiki (ep 7)

Yuzuko: “The protein needed to send visual information to your brain was named pikachurin.”

Yui: “I give up.”

Yukari: “Did they pick that name while they were drunk?”

Yuzuko: “The big-shot who picked it probably had kids!”

Yukari: “Oh! That’s it!”

Yui: “I guess that makes sense.”

Yuyushiki (ep 7)

“The power of puns truly knows no limits!”

Yuzuko - Yuyushiki (ep 7)

Go Saruwatari: “So you don’t know what they call him?”

Anna: “Uh-uh”

Go: “Mr. Shoot-to-Kill”

Anna: “You’re kidding me!”

Go: “No, If it’s female and moving, he’ll bang it.”

*Godannar Ep.8 *

“Response to final warning: Go to hell, tin can!”

Chamber (to Striker) - Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet (ep 13)

Tsukiko: “Senpai sometimes, very rarely, becomes rather reliable.”

Azusa: “Well, maybe sometimes. Just very, very rarely, I guess he can be”

Yoto (in another part of the house): “Considering how I usually am, it’s rather tiring to act like the reliable guy in times of crisis.”

HENNEKO – The Hentai Prince and the Stony Cat (ep 7)

“You’re rather reliable in times of crisis…”

Tsukushi - HENNEKO – The Hentai Prince and the Stony Cat (ep 7)

Yoto: “You’ve embellished it so much, the memory is totally warped…”

Tsukushi: “One is allowed a little bit of embellishment. That is how we hold on to memories of the dead, and live on for the living.”

HENNEKO – The Hentai Prince and the Stony Cat (ep 7)

Yuzuko: “Huh? But I want to do something that’s not doable.”

Yukari: “Yeah!”

Yuzuko: “Listen, Yui-chan, wanting to do what’s not doable is a part of human – “

Yui: “Knock it off.”

Yuzuko: “Darn it! I guess I’ll just get ready for class, then.”

Yui: “Good idea.”

Yuzuko (getting up): “Oh, I must do it, yet my heart tells me it doesn’t want to.”

Yui: “That’s just as important.”

Yuzuko (sits down): “Oh well. Forget getting ready for class.”

Yui: “Are you sure?”

Yuzuko: “Things that seem least doable are the things I want to do. That’s how high school girls like me think. Maybe I’ll try to get Mom-sensi to cry or something!”

Yui (to Yukari): “Don’t get excited!”

Yuzuko: “Listen, Yui-chan, excitement is a part of human –“

Yui: “Knock it off and get ready for class!”

Yuyushiki (ep 8)

Yui: “You don’t play ball sports often, do you Aikawa-san?”

Aikawa: “No… Not often……”

Yuzuko: “But you’ve got those two big balls of your own.”

(Aikawa gasps)

Yuzuko: “Just kidding! I really didn’t mean that!”

Yui (thinking): “Something feels weird here.”

Yuyushiki (ep 8)

Yuzuko (excited): “Which would win in a fight, mayonnaise or ketchup?!”

Yukari (excited): “I wonder which!”

Yui (yelling): “No one cares!”

Yuyushiki (ep 8)

Yui: “It’s unusual to see you without a boxed lunch, Yukari.”

Yukari: “My mother was drinking last night, so she was really out of it this morning.”

Yuzuko: “Wow, your mother drinks? That’s a surprise.”

Yukari: “She can’t handle very much.”

Yuzuko: “Sorry. I think I’m turned on.”

Yukari; “What?!”

Yui: “Don’t get turned on by someone’s mom.”

Yuyushiki (ep 8)

Hibiki: “Humanity has nowhere to run.”

Alcor: “Yes. The Void is expanding. There’s nowhere in the world to run. Two more days. Will even a single human survive? Or will no one?”

Devil Survivor 2: The Animation (ep 9)

Yui: “Besides, there’s no spice in meeting at the venue.”

Hachiman: “Do you need spice? We’re not trying to season seaweed.”

Yui: “Wh-What does it matter? You got a problem?”

Hachiman: “No, I don’t.”

My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU (ep 9)

“That was dangerous. If I were a normal male, I would’ve fallen in love with her there. Trying to find meaning in simple coincidences and ordinary happenings is a bad habit of unpopular guys. I don’t believe in fate, destiny, or chance.”

Hachiman - My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU (ep 9)