
Hi, names Hizumi. Im pretty much into music and writing. I love watching anime (though i can live with music for eternity) and i have a nack for writing very gore and violent stories :stuck_out_tongue:

Currently im pretty much blah, not doing much with my music stuff, just playing games and the like. My favorite animes are Highschool of the dead (fell in love with it) Black Lagoon, and others, usually i can’t remember them all i have like 7 favs and can’t remember them XDD

My memory isn’t bad :stuck_out_tongue: just don’t always use it. Err, anyways, i think thats an okay intro :stuck_out_tongue: anything else i should add in their? haha

That’s a good one. Great to have ya with us, you should consider posting some of those gory stories over in the fan-made art section.

Alright cool, and yah probably :stuck_out_tongue: im still hoping to see if some artist is willing to help me out in just having fun, and making it into a manga/comic like style :stuck_out_tongue: some of my stories are suppositly in my friends view anime styled. haha

Well looking forward to some combo action, we have some good artists here! So, what brought you to the TAN forums?

Welcome to TAN and hope you enjoy your stay. :slight_smile:

Thanks Shawnmerrow =D

And well lets see, i was looking around and remembered that there was an anime site for north americans. and thats how im here XD moving to the states soon as well so might as well add myself to this network =D

Welcome to TAN, where I’ve spent the last two months of my life! If there’s one thing that I’ve noticed in those two months, it’s that this is the most random forum I’ve ever been a part of (with one exception, which is always at the top my random list). I hope you stick around and participate in all the shenanigans that go on here. :silly:

I’ll try Hornet65 i’ll try :stuck_out_tongue: i’ll probably add it to my list of things to look at randomly in the morning…when i wake up XD and thanks for the greet =D

Hizumi wrote:

You sleep?! Sleeping is overrated… all the cool kids stay up until at least 5 or 6 in the morning. :wink:
As much as I enjoy staying up that late (early?), I can’t for the time being. I used to stay up until 5:30am playing video games, or watching anime… but I’ve got important stuff to do during the day for now… so I can’t stay up that late, so I’m not one of the cool kids anymore :([/size]

Welcome to you! To the site and the states (when you get here). Hope you will join us often. If you have any questions, just ask!

Aww, its cool hornet your still cool in my magical book of death XD Nah when i say wake up, i mean as in 3pm XDD i “sleep” when im bored or extremely tired otherwise i agree with you. :stuck_out_tongue: though it does cause problems with job searching and answering that question of why do you want to work evenings XD the answer of.

“Cause, well i hate the daylight.” Doesn’t seem to please most people haha

And thanks ladyofwicca =D i’l be sure to do so.

Welcome! Welcome! We love new people. :slight_smile: [size=1]Mmmm…fresh brains.[/size]

Hizumi wrote:

“Cause, well i hate the daylight.” Doesn’t seem to please most people haha[/quote]

Just tell them you’re a vampire. :wink:

shadycat wrote:

XDD well…i’ll just remember to feed you some chocolate :stuck_out_tongue: haha

@ LadyofWicca

i would, but if it weren’t for the fact they’d probably ask me if i sparkle. i don’t feel like jumping in a sparkle bucket just to go to work everyday XDDD more so that stuff takes forever to take off :stuck_out_tongue: One reason twilight is annoying :stuck_out_tongue: But hey once i post up possibly my first chapter of the story i’ve been working on with the understanding of vampires, then i probably will not have that problem nods … well if they go on this board atleast XDDDD

Hizumi wrote:

You’re my new best friend.

LadyOfWicca wrote:

However, only Slowhand’s answers count! :laugh: But you’ll discover that for yourself!

XD Well thats good to know thumbs up made a friend haha

=O but she would know :stuck_out_tongue: maybe… but if Slowhand’s is the mod i guess i listen to him more? but haha i’ll still ask ladyofwicca first XD just cause she was kind to say so haha

I only say that, because in my introduction thread, I was told by LadyOfWicca that Slowhand’s answers are the only ones that count… here’s the quote from my intro thread.

LadyOfWicca wrote:

[quote]Slowhand wrote:

However, only Slowhand’s answers count! :laugh: But you’ll discover that for yourself![/quote]

So that proves that Slowhand’s answers are the only ones that count! It doesn’t matter much, since in all likelihood, if you ask any questions she’ll be one of the people to answer it. Slowhand is everywhere at the same time, and is always watching… except when she’s offline.

Everyone on the forum is helpful though, so any questions you have, just ask away!

nods good good, thats a nice way for a board. =D

All happy people and they are kind to welcome haha sweet, now i just need to invade with my metalness and brutality of stories and i’ll be right at home XD

Hizumi wrote:

[quote]shadycat wrote:

XDD well…i’ll just remember to feed you some chocolate :stuck_out_tongue: haha

@ LadyofWicca

i would, but if it weren’t for the fact they’d probably ask me if i sparkle. i don’t feel like jumping in a sparkle bucket just to go to work everyday XDDD more so that stuff takes forever to take off :stuck_out_tongue: One reason twilight is annoying :stuck_out_tongue: But hey once i post up possibly my first chapter of the story i’ve been working on with the understanding of vampires, then i probably will not have that problem nods … well if they go on this board atleast XDDDD[/quote]

Chocolate doesn’t always work…

And we don’t like sparkly vamps here so you’re safe. You will find a lot of True Blood fans though. And we like it that way!

I also look forward to reading some of your writing.

haha well my Vampires and such that i create are from a whole different view =D but im glad people don’t like the sparkles. I use that for my want to write actually XDD its how the story i started writing started on. to write something better then that XDDD