I'm Amonethis Jalil. I love cosplay, in a big way. Especially they body suits most female characters wear. I love wearing them too.
I love dancing, modelling fashions, cosplay of all eras and genres. I'm taking kendo and martial arts, to help my dancing.
I love all sorts of anime and manga. I also love kaiju movies.
Hey, Amonethis. Welcome Welcome To The WonderFul Land Of TAN. Hope you enjoy yourself on the forums. and i think they have a cosplay thread on here. if not you can make one.
Hello and welcome to the tristachyous TAN boards, Amonethis Jalil!! :3
I am also getting to be a very big cosplay fan, though I have yet to really get into it myself (mainly for money reasons ). Do you go to many cons? And while we are at it, what are some of your favorite anime and manga?
Anyway, I hope you have a great time on here posting around and making many new friends!!
Favourite anime: Ghost in The Shell; Full Metal Alchemist; Dai Shogun; Claymore; Helsing; Spice and Wolf; Samurai 7; Robotech (even if it’s old); Evangelion; Black Butler; Attack on Titan
Manga: usually the same as above if manga is available; always looking for something ‘New’ (well, new for me)
I look for actual storyline first then decide if the art style works for or against the story. Good story and good art YES. Good story and not so good art No. Bad story good art NO.
I don’t have a lot of time for a lot of cons. Work and travel commitments. But I do try.
I forgot to post I do also go to SF cons, also when able. As well as some costuming cons as well. I'd love to do more cons, but I occasionally get a lot busy. Right now is one of those times, but it is also why I am on the forum right now. A break in the schedule.
Thank you!
I’ll be moving soon, that’s why I’ve been so busy.
I’m moving to Toronto for a couple of months, and then a permanent move to New York.
This is part of why I got into the forum. I have people with the same interests, online for now, till I meet more in my new location.