I think about once a week, I’ll add a little something from my past, or something that I have done.
To start of: High School highlights or Logic/Math just comes to me
Freshman year High School Math class
There was this one day in which for whatever reason, I was putting my head down as if to sleep during my math class or at least that what and outside observer would tell you. I can’t remember the reason why I did it though, maybe I was sleepy, or I was just too bored with the lesson that day. The teacher was trying to get the class to solve some equation. After a certain amount of time, I raised my hand and gave the right answer. The teacher then told me I could go back to sleep, then basically yelled at the class for waking me up.
Calculator switch
At some point during high school, 10th or 11th grade, a classmate (a year younger) I hung out with during the morning playing Tetris on our TI calculators (his was a TI-92, mine was a TI-86), we had the same math teacher that year, and the teacher had a test for his class that day, but banned my classmate’s calculator. So we switched, and I proped his calculator on my desk during my class. I’m fairly certain the teacher knew we did this when he saw me that day, as I was sitting in the first row. Now the question was, did I have my triangle solver app made when that happened? If so, whoops, my classmate had some of the power the teacher banned. 
Physics is just Math to me
A class that during a period where the class just talked about random stuff, we some how went one about learning to osmosis because I appeared to never take notes in class, and yet was the top grader.
For the mid term, the teacher allowed us to use these index cards on the test. Basically, if we can fit it on there, we can use it on the test. I did my in during the five or so minutes before the test, and what I wrote could of fit the front side of a business card. Got the top grade of the class. For the final, I actually did it the night before, actually filled the whole side of the card this time. Disappointed classmates who wanted a repeat of mid term.
Other tidbits
Our school had a BASIC course. I basically lead the class. I ended up teaching the class how to do graphics!
(Helped I tried to write assembly on my calculator :lol:)
While I was good at math related courses, the same couldn’t be said about other types, mainly those that require a good memory. Typical convo after Parent/Teacher conference: “Why don’t you put as much effort into [non-math course] as you do math?” “Actually, I put more effort into [non-math course] than my math classes”