The post Wicca made reminded me of a poem I wrote, and it seems very suiting right now.
Never Goodbye
*Though you can’t see me,
I will always be near.
Though you can’t feel my touch,
my hand will always be in yours.
Though you can’t hear my voice,
you will always carry my song in your heart.
Though we’ve had to say goodbye,
hello will come again.*
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rebecca1/2 wrote:
[quote]For some reason I didn’t see this thread when you first posted… but I know how you feel, one of ours they think had a stroke and we put her down just before thanksgiving. Poor thing couldn’t stand up hardly, her heart rate was too slow, she just dissapeared and didn’t come out all day, she’d crawled way under the bed to hide when we finally found her. It was almost worse because she stil knew us and still purred when we petted her. The docs thought they could do a little for her and keep her going a few months, but between age and not knowing for sure what was wrong the prognosis wasn’t good.
One of us had the other trained (I’m not sure who trained who) that every time I passed by the one chair she’d climb up on the back of it so I could pet her and give her some attention, I miss that already. She went from a barn cat that had been abused and was scared to death of me, to coming to me of her own accord.
But at least she had a long, happy and pleasant life with us and I hope she’s doing well in the place that cats cross over to.[/quote]
My condolences as well Rebecca1/2. I’m sure she’s in kitty heaven.