Shows Expiring Soon from the Online Player

Did Gilgamesh and Yumeria expire?

Yumeria was featured in the very first Wabi-Sabi.

Gilgamesh has been on hiatus for quite a while.


Yumeria was featured in the very first Wabi-Sabi.

Gilgamesh has been on hiatus for quite a while.[/quote]

That Wednesday Wabi_Sabi is cool. I should keep my eye on those.

Either I haven’t been paying attention, or it never actually got mentioned anywhere…

When did Best Student Council expire from TAN?

Either I haven’t been paying attention, or it never actually got mentioned anywhere…

When did Best Student Council expire from TAN?[/quote]

about 4 weeks ago.

about 4 weeks ago.[/quote]

Ahh, happened while I was on jury duty, I thought as much.

Did we hear any mention of it, or did it just happen one day out of the blue?


about 4 weeks ago.[/quote]

Ahh, happened while I was on jury duty, I thought as much.

Did we hear any mention of it, or did it just happen one day out of the blue?[/quote]

I checked to see if it was supposed to happen and was told ‘yes’ and that’s all I know.

It appears this topic is no longer being used to alert people to shows that are scheduled to expire. Where is the proper place to obtain this information?

I just went back to pick up GetBackers again, only to find it was unavailable, but there was no mention in this topic of it expiring.

[quote=“TheAncientOne”]It appears this topic is no longer being used to alert people to shows that are scheduled to expire. Where is the proper place to obtain this information?

I just went back to pick up GetBackers again, only to find it was unavailable, but there was no mention in this topic of it expiring.[/quote]
It seems that we get no warning anymore. Shows just disappear.

GetBackers disappeared about three or four weeks ago without explanation. If you’d like, I can check to see if/when it will return.

It seems that we get no warning anymore. Shows just disappear.

GetBackers disappeared about three or four weeks ago without explanation. If you’d like, I can check to see if/when it will return.[/quote]

That seems like a step backward. :frowning:

Yes, I would appreciate if you could find out if it will be returning in the future.


It seems that we get no warning anymore. Shows just disappear.


disappeared about three or four weeks ago without explanation. If you’d like, I can check to see if/when it will return.
That seems like a step backward. :frowning:

Yes, I would appreciate if you could find out if it will be returning in the future.[/quote]

I went ahead and fired off an email this morning anyway. Apparently the person in charge of this is out sick today.


It seems that we get no warning anymore. Shows just disappear.

GetBackers disappeared about three or four weeks ago without explanation. If you’d like, I can check to see if/when it will return.[/quote]

That seems like a step backward.:frowning:

Yes, I would appreciate if you could find out if it will be returning in the future.[/quote]

I do believe I had written in about this before in the,com_kunena/Itemid,183/catid,18/func,view/id,41805/limit,20/limitstart,120/#124587 when I first became a paying subscriber. By simply having an “available until” date on the show’s info page would take all this guesswork out. Of course, I realize that dates are subject to change, however a disclaimer can be added stating that. Hey in my opinion, it’s all about user friendliness by giving someone that information.

I only feel it is right for paying customers to know if they may miss out on something that they paid for… don’t ya’ think? A simple notation would help out so much. All I know is that I have a lot to watch, and I usually always start with what seems to be the oldest content addition to any site I visit. When a date is given for the provider’s streaming rights to expire, it ensures that I am not missing anything. Not to mention I would be very angry to have a show yanked out from under me while in the middle of a series.

Sorry to be so pushy, however I was and am still concerned about this whenever I start watching a series. It just kind of takes a bit of the enjoyment away I feel… or maybe I worry too much. Anyway, I hope you understand and put this into consideration.

Yeah as the years progress, you pretty much have to be wary of any ADV Films title here now. The classic TAN is leaving us more and more. That’s why I buy these up while I can.

I believe that the vast majority of them are “available indefinitely”, with the disclaimer “or until the rights holder suddenly decides to terminate all existing contracts”.

Official posts to this thread have been pretty good at advising us regarding known license expirations.

For several of the unannounced terminations, it has been the case of “we were not able to give you people advance warning because we got blindsided by the owner’s unexpected demands”.

So, even if there were an “available until” field for each show, I don’t think we’d get much info from it.


[quote=“SpaceCobraJoe”]I believe that the vast majority of them are “available indefinitely”, with the disclaimer “or until the rights holder suddenly decides to terminate all existing contracts”.

Official posts to this thread have been pretty good at advising us regarding known license expirations.

For several of the unannounced terminations, it has been the case of “we were not able to give you people advance warning because we got blindsided by the owner’s unexpected demands”.

So, even if there were an “available until” field for each show, I don’t think we’d get much info from it.[/quote]

Thanx guys for weighing in on this. I also understand what you are saying Joe about even having an expiration date added. Rights & license status can change without warning. Even on Hulu, where the expiration dates are posted, there have been plenty of times that without warning that a show expires even though it should still have 2 months or so remaining.

Thank you again guys for your thoughts on this matter.

Looking at, I saw this: [size=16]EXPIRES 8/31/13[/size]

Someone, please, update the list of shows that are expiring soon from the Online Player.


[quote=“SpaceCobraJoe”]Looking at, I saw this: EXPIRES 8/31/13.

Someone, please, update the list of shows that are expiring soon from the Online Player.


Hey Joe,

I went through all of our current shows in the online player last week and updated the expiration dates to reflect the dates we have on file. That expiration date for Sister Princess is correct according to what we have on file here.



Could you put the names of the soon to expire shows here in this thread, please?

I think what Joe is implying here is…
Instead of having Slow post (which she did for,com_kunena/Itemid,183/catid,4/func,view/id,139030/#147069) in each individual thread (which she doesn’t do everytime because she’s not always informed), going with the original purpose of this thread and keeping it updated with a current list of soon to be expiring shows, so we as users can stay in the know of what’s leaving us soon.

Joe doesn’t always check individual threads, as well as many other users, so having an up-to-date list in one thread of expiring shows is a rather useful bit of information, especially if someone sees something on the list that they haven’t gotten to watch yet.

I went through all the anime and I don’t see any others. Just Sister Princess, but let me confirm that. I’ll post here if I find more.

To tell you the truth, I forgot all about this thread. Sorry.