Tears to Tiara

Ep. 13

The Elves were sure happy to see Riannon back home. Arthur sure has a strong sense of honor, dislocating his shoulder so the fight would be fair. It looks like the plan worked though as they seem to have made progress to getting new allies. Not sure if I want Morgan as my nurse. :laugh:

i would love to have a nurse that dressed like that… regardless of her medical knowledge… lol

I dunno, I suspect she’d be less forgiving if you acted like the detective in Skull Man.

Episode 13 -


I’m glad Riannon is back safe and sound among her friends. And now that Gaius is coming, they need allies. Interesting to find out that the Gaels broke off from the Brigantes and that they are related by blood.
I know Taliesin is doing what he thinks best for his people, but I still don’t trust the fact that he’s playing both sides. He also acts like the Chieftain even if he says his clan doesn’t have one because of the prophecy. The rest of his clan seem to treat him as their leader anyway.
Arthur has such a sense of fairness about him and doesn’t want to fight an injured man. But Arawn insists – perhaps he knows that Taliesin is lying about his injury. But I think Arthur went a little too far in dislocating his own shoulder. And it was funny that he could move his arm during the fight, but couldn’t afterwards. Funnier still was that Arawn and Ogam noticed what Arthur did and Arawn calls him an “idiot” again.
It was obvious that Arthur did the honorable thing, but his sense of honor almost got him into trouble here and may cause him major trouble in the future. Taliesin feels insulted that Arthur would do such a thing, but finally comes to understand the reason why he did it. Arthur says – “A victory stolen from the weak is not something that any person in the Gael clan would wish for.” Hopefully, in this case his honor won them the allies they need.
Then I had to feel bad for Arthur when Morgan decided to fix his shoulder. Her “gentle touch” must have been very painful! And now Gaius also knows that Taliesin is a traitor and playing both sides – that can’t be good.

Episode 14 -


It’s odd that Riannon looks to have a painful headache at Arawn’s tomb. I thought it was really funny that Arawn could open his tomb with a simple “open sesame” which astounds Arthur.
Riannon gets a headache again and sees the past when Arawn is buried. I wonder who those visitors were. The whole tomb was originally a shrine to Myrddin according to Ogam, but when Riannon asks why Arawn was buried near Myrddin, he doesn’t answer her. Another mystery!
The fresco was interesting. I wonder if the defaced thirteenth figure is Arawn – the “failure”. And Arthur thinks the spirits in the fresco resemble the people that killed his father. Interesting.
Gaius is called before the senate and Delator returns to report that Arawn is not a threat. He was spying on Arawn and I think Arawn knew it and that is why he was acting so weird. Now Gaius might be branded a traitor. However, he is told to return to Albion without the reinforcements he requested. He should be happy that he gets to live, but he knows that Arawn was putting on an act and gets angry instead. He decides to buy his own reinforcements and vows to defeat Arawn.
Riannon’s puppet dragons were cute, but kind of an odd way to cheer up Arawn. I also wonder what Arawn was going to tell Riannon about her father. And the mystery deepens!

Episode 15 -


Gaius is coming and Arthur decides to strike first. Once in the forest, Riannon gets a bad feeling that something terrible is going to happen, but Arawn already knows. The entire group feels something strange and Ogam tells them it’s Gravitas. So this is what it is.
I see now why the Empire was collecting the dead. They have been made into undead soldiers. Ogam calls them “sleepless ones from far below” but they look like zombies to me! In this case they are Gaels and the group is reluctant to fight their clansmen. However, Octavia tells them they are already dead and attacks them. The rest join the fight but soon realize that no matter how many times they “kill” them, the undead only rise again to keep fighting.
Arawn notes that they have used Hell’s Cauldron. I wonder if that was the cauldron that they made Gaius transport. And I guess these zombies are the help that Gaius received from the Mayor. Some reinforcements! I wonder who that mysterious sorcerer is as well.
Gravitas seems to be affecting the group as well. Rathty notes that these magic undead are like the Immortal Army from the Great War. Ogam says that they are the undead vanguard that was used in the Great War and calls them Necrom. The group looks like they are getting tired since the undead keep attacking them with no end in sight.
But when Ogam says he will use the Flame of Elements to destroy them, Arawn stops him, saying that he will use his own magic. And he does, destroying the undead. But Ogam says it was Divine magic – the white power of the spirits that might take his life. Octavia questions why the Demon King has Divine magic. Arthur questions who Arawn really is and remembers how his father died.
Arawn’s body turns white and he says that he’s been cleansed. Now he really looks like one of those spirits from the tomb’s fresco! Arthur remembers more of his father’s death and the fact that his killer said his name was Arawn of the White Spirits. Arthur now accuses Arawn of killing his father and wants vengeance. I think the Gravitas is affecting him too.
Riannon argues with Arthur against killing Arawn and says she will protect him with her life. Arthur insists he must avenge his father and even threatens to kill Riannon if he has to. He attacks and somehow Arawn takes the hit. Arawn is back to his normal self too. Arthur immediately regrets what he’s done and even thinks he killed his sister, but she’s ok. However, it looks as if Arawn dies.
Gaius receives a report that Arthur stabbed Arawn, but he isn’t dead. He is barely alive and back at Avalon castle. Now I wonder where this info came from and how it got to Gaius so quickly. And if it’s true, I’m really glad that Arawn isn’t dead!

Episode 16 -


Gaius is attacking Avalon Castle, assured of winning since both Arawn and Arthur are out of the picture. But Riannon has stepped into the role of leader and has renewed everyone’s hope and fighting spirit.
Arthur, still thinking that he’s killed Arawn, runs aimlessly through the forest and ends up at some ruins where he is met by Ogam. Ogam tells Arthur he’s a dragon and that the ruins were once a temple sacred to his clan. He tells Arthur something of his history and the reason he fights. However, Arthur can’t believe that Ogam is a dragon and can hardly believe his story.
Arthur can see that Avalon Castle is under attack and wants to return, but Ogam won’t let him. Arthur breaks down and doesn’t know what his truth is anymore. Ogam would like him to go to the “throne of Arawn” to find his answers. But they are attacked as well and as Arthur fights, he feels nothing. He says Arawn’s name and in calling him a friend, finds his purpose in fighting again.
The temple doors open and the enemy flee as an Electrum Golem steps out. Ogam says that it’s “a relic from the Great War” and then transforms into a dragon! Wow! This is great! Ogam begins to fight the Golem and tells Arthur to go, promising to meet up with him later.
Meanwhile, Octavia and Morgan have left their comrades in the forest and returned to the castle. As they attempt to sneak back in, they are discovered by the enemy and Riannon spots them from the wall. She has the warriors cover them so they can enter the castle, but the enemy blocks their way in. However, with Llyr’s quick thinking and Rathty’s help, they make it! But it was funny that Rathty threw a tantrum afterwards. I know Riannon must be happy to see Octavia and Morgan and can probably use their help. She will definitely need it since more Imperial troops are on their way to reinforce the enemy!

Ep. 17

The good news they are doing a lot of damage to the imperial troops. The bad news the main gate has fallen. At least Arthur has gathered a large army of reinforcements. I wonder if he will pick up the Gael forces that were left in the woods on the way to the castle?
Looking forward to the dub to hear Tiffany Grant as Mo-chan. B)

Episode 17 -


Avalon Castle is still under siege as Arawn lies unconscious and Arthur is still trying to make his way back. Arawn is having visions of his past and sees Myrddin, Primula and Pwyll. Arawn can also see the present and all the fighting going on. He sees their faith and their determination not to give up. Riannon is such a good wife. Now that Morgan and Octavia have returned, she has time to sit with Arawn and she vows to protect the castle.
The enemy reinforcements have arrived with a new siege engine. Gaius thinks he would be a better choice to lead the country and has decided to aim for the throne. But first he must win this battle and defeat Arawn. I’m reminded of an earlier episode and a conversation between Gaius and Arawn about a throne and the right to rule. The new siege engine contains a battering ram and Riannon orders her people to prevent it from getting too close to the gate.
Arthur runs into Taliesin in the forest who insists on another fight before allowing Arthur to pass. Arthur would like to ask the Brigantes for help, but will not fight Taliesin. Taliesin notices a change in Arthur and Arthur says it’s because he realized the truth of his leadership and asks for help to save his friends. Taliesin finally sees Arthur as the descendant of Pwyll. He calls his clansmen to arms. I knew he was the chieftain! Arthur now has his reinforcements and Taliesin calls him “friend” and vows to fight alongside him.
The Imperial soldiers have managed to get the castle drawbridge down! The battering ram is now beating against the Gate of Life. Riannon orders a retreat to the second rampart as the gate falters. As Taliesin gives command of the Brigantes over to Arthur, the battering ram has broken through the Gate of Life and the Imperial soldiers march forward with the disheartened Gaels watching from the second rampart. I hope Arthur gets there in time!




I hope Arthur is able to get the rest of his clansmen on the way back to the castle - he is going to need every warrior he can get!

Ep. 18

Nice bonding scene between Morgan and Octavia. The goods news Arthur picked up the Gael forces on the way to the castle. I liked Arawn complaining about his yelling. I think Gaius was compensating a bit with that sword. At least at the end he took steps to protect his troops. Looks like the Empire has some openings for new Senators.

Episode 18 -


It’s a very touching scene when Octavia gives Morgan a necklace of red branch with her name on it and shows her that she is wearing one with Morgan’s name. In a red dawn, Gaius marches on the second rampart. Riannon knows the end is near and so does everyone else.
Arthur and the Brigantes meet up with Ogam and the rest of the Gaels. Arthur has found his answer in that they will fight as friends for their friends. Ogam tells him that he’s on the way to the throne and gives him command of the Gaels in Arawn’s stead, telling him that it’s what the warriors want.
The castle is not doing well and it looks like Gaius might win after all. Riannon calls a retreat to the third rampart as the Imperial soldiers break through the second gate. I was filled with despair as Gaius thought he won. But then Arthur and his troops arrive! Gaius sees that Taliesin is with them and takes it as a betrayal. Arthur calls out for Arawn and the people inside the castle walls hear him and they are filled with hope. Arthur continues to call for Arawn and Gaius mocks him as he continues the attack on the third gate. But it explodes outwards and Arawn appears from the smoke, telling Arthur to “pipe down.”
The Gaels have a renewed fighting spirit and Riannon runs to Arawn. Gaius decides to attack and Arawn turns to protect Riannon, exposing his back to Gaius. But Arthur is there to deflect the blow! Arawn and Gaius speak of Regius again and “the right to rule” and Gaius is reminded that he will die when he learns the true meaning. Gaius faces Arthur and almost wins, but as he fights, Gaius thinks about Regius and realizes that it can also mean “Little King” and that Arawn is grooming Arthur to be the king. Arawn smiles at Gaius and says he figured it out.
Gaius is even more determined to kill Arthur because “one country has no need for two kings” and attacks. Arthur evades his sword and strikes with his own. Gaius falls to his knees and asks Arthur to spare his soldiers and Arthur agrees. Dekimus, the second in command, comes to avenge Gaius, but Gaius stops him. He gives Dekimus a final order to surrender and Dekimus complies with tears running down his face. Gaius somehow finds the strength to rise to his feet and wonders if he and Arawn could have taken a different path and been friends. He tells Arawn and Arthur to find “a more tolerant and free world” and falls, dead. Arthur is confused that Gaius had called him “Little King” and Arawn says that he’s on the path. But Ogam had already told him the same thing. I understand why Gaius had to die, but I wish he didn’t have to. I liked his character and will miss him.
Now, who is this man that is referred to as “His Highness’s gardener” that walks into the Senate and sets it on fire? He has already killed His Highness and has declared that “humans are weak.” He even stands in the middle of the flames, laughing as the room explodes. I have a feeling that Arawn and Arthur are about to come up against an even tougher enemy.

Looked to me like they were introducing the replacement bad guy, and he probably has some history with Ogam and Arawn. Sort of the next arc of the story, if you will.

I rather enjoyed ep. 17 and 18, it was good to watch them together.

Agreed, rebecca… I think this is the end game being set up here.

Ep. 19

Interesting that Taliesin and Epona had meet before. Also looks like Taliesin now has a pet dragon. Wonder where mom is. Also wonder who the prison was for and who made it. The introduction of someone named Lucifer sounds forbidding.

Episode 19 -


As the castle is put to rights, Dekimus has returned to report that the entire Senate was murdered and all is in chaos. And a Dark Army is on the march. Arawn says that they now have to face their true enemy – the ones that killed Arthur’s father – the White Spirits. They form a plan to defeat the Dark Army.
Taliesin was so melancholy that his joke to Riannon about having “an illicit affair” fell kind of flat. He is just so sad about his destiny and even asks Riannon to look into his future. She enters a trance and tells him that he can’t avoid it. Taliesin thanks her for confirming it and Riannon tells him that everyone has the ability to change their fate. I hope he can change his.
I liked the story of how Taliesin became a minstrel, but he tells Epona that he still lacks the “soul of a poet”. I thought that Epona was the Elf that he heard sing as a child and it turns out she was. It’s nice that he got to hear her sing again and I think he does have some feelings for her too.
The baby dragon was really cute, but I wonder why he led Taliesin to that forbidden area. Who is Lucifer and just what did Taliesin stumble upon? Is he about to meet his destiny? Why do these episodes always end too soon?!

I find it interesting that Dekimus reported to Arawn. It seems that, like Octavia, Dekimus recognizes the corruption of the Imperial Senate and Army and the nobility of Arawn and the Gaels.

Yes Newshawk -


Definitely that plus the fact that the Empire is in chaos right now with the Senate murdered and also the one called “his highness”. There is no leadership there and Arawn seems to be the only strong, stable leader around now. And the Gaels did let them live. I think it only natural that Dekimus would shift loyalties and follow Arawn.

Episode 23 -


So, it’s time for the final battle!! Too bad everyone got separated. Now, Morgan and Octavia have to fight the golems alone and Rathty and Llyr are going to try to destroy the revival cauldron by themselves.
Drwc is back from the dead! This was a surprise! And he’s facing Ogam, Arawn, Arthur and Riannon. Then he activates the obelisk, releasing Gravitas. Ogam and Arawn go to destroy the tip of the obelisk to render it harmless, leaving Arthur and Riannon to fight Drwc. I’m so happy that his magic didn’t work on Riannon! Go Primula!
I hope that everyone wins their battles and they all get reunited soon!

Now I know why I was so lost at ep. 21 - I never watched 19, so I missed two episodes (never got 20 here).

Episode 24 -


The battles don’t look like they’re going very well. Ogam and Arawn are having trouble destroying the tip of the obelisk and the Gravitas got stronger, making the golems stronger too, but Ogam won’t let Arawn use his holy magic. Arthur finally defeats Drwc, but Drwc turns into a monster and things aren’t looking too good for anyone at this point.
As Ogam uses his magic on the obelisk, the swords, Edrum and Dyrnwyn resonate and Ogam is able to destroy the tip of the obelisk. Rathty smashes the cauldron, which destroys the golems and Morgan and Octavia take down the Mayor. Arthur kills Drwc and I hope he stays dead this time.
Everyone is finally reunited in the floating garden and now they have to face someone else. It’s that other spirit! I wonder if this is the Merkadis that was mentioned in the flashback. I can’t wait to see what happens!