The Outlander Memorial Thread

I intend that my next anime is Black Rock Shooter

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Dear Outlander

Originally posted: July 15, 2012 @ 8:58pm

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If you’re reading this Outlander, it means you’re already back, so just take the corgi and don’t leave again! Look at that thing, it’s adorable.

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But the tweens write really great Naruto slash fan fiction, why can’t we have the best of both worlds?

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He’s busy and can’t come to the internet right now.

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The Tanettes are unhappy with no one to harass them.

Your personal harem is disbanding.

Your pirate crew is too drunk to plunder and pillage.

Your van is rusting.

Your lolis are running away.

Even the candy is going bad!

Please come back to us and make things right again Foxy Man!!

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At this crucial time, we need you like never before.

We need your sure and steady hand to guide us.

We need your clear vision and sober judgement.

We need your gentility and circumspection… :dry: :S

Oh, who the hell am I kidding??

Without you here, you ol’ fox, the place has become…

BLAH… :frowning:


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Outlander, please come back.

Without you, there is no one here to truly demonstrate one of the greater aspects of anime!

We all still depend on your guidance.

The men for how to be true men,

The women for how to be true women by staying in the kitchen…

Come back quickly,

I am running out of peanut butter for the corgi!

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We need your clear vision and sober brandy soaked judgment.[/quote]

Totes accurate now.


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Get back here! I have sammiches and Rish can’t eat them all. It would ruin his girlish figure. :whistle:

Please! Because how else will we communicate with you about going to the convention in August? :ohmy:

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I miss reading fun stuff and getting PMs from Outlander!

My day is so boring now. I might have to start taking even MORE naps!! :angry:

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Email from the big O himself.

[quote=outlander]Returning is not possible and not an option. People come and go from TAN all the time. I’m no different. I do hope Pretear takes over the “Dear Panty” thread. It was a recent favorite of mine. She would make a better Panty than me. I only pretended to be a girl. She is the real thing, at least that is what is alleged. I hope you are both well.

:cry: :crying_cat_face:

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You will be greatly missed, my canid friend. May the winds help you find your way.

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Just to be sure, did I miss something?

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Just to be sure, did I miss something?[/quote]

You missed the end of a legacy, the closing of a golden era, and the farewell of a hero. Surely there will be anarchy in this time.

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Outlander isn’t coming back then… :frowning:

This place won’t be the same without him.

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This makes me sad. Yes, people come and go from websites, but I will miss you, Outlander! Thank you for being a friend!

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There are some who brighten a room when they enter…

There are some who brighten a room when they leave…

And then there was Outlander-he brightened the room whether he was there or not. I don’t know exactly why he left, but I hope he reconsiders and comes back someday. Life is too short…

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Oh hell no, you get your tail back here! :frowning: TAN needs Outlander, those glistening fox eyes so full of mischief… I’m gonna cry ;_;

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There is but a single question that remains in my head: Who will take over the magazine? Or will it be a monument? :huh:

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