OP Technical Issue Report
We need to know some specific information in order to troubleshoot your issue:
- Give us a short summary of the problem you are experiencing with the Online Player.
My online subscription performance is becoming unusable. Shows are starting and stopping over and over again, stopping for as long as a minute at a time, making a show unwatchable.
- Did this just start happening, has it been going on for a while or is it a problem that came back after being fixed?
Been happening gradually more over the last month, until it has become unwatchable for the last two days.
- Affected Show Title(s) - is it happening to a particular show, certain shows or everything
- Affected Episode Number(s) - is it happening to a particular episode, certain episodes or all episodes
- Affected Language Version - if the show is Dual Language, is it the dubbed, dubbed or both versions that are affected
Dubbed English
- Affected Video Format - is it the SD, HD or both versions that are affected
- What Operating System are you using? Which version is it? (Windows Vista, Mac 10.4, etc)
Mac OS 10.8
- What Browser are you using? Which version is it? (Chrome, Internet Explorer 7, FireFox 3.6, etc)
Chrome or Safari
- Is it happening in just one Browser or multiple browsers?
- Is your Flash Player/Plugin up to date?
Yes, Chrome does that automatically.
If you are having trouble with smooth video playback, tell us about your internet connection:
- What type of connection are you using? (Cable, DSL, WiFI, ect)
Cable (hard-wired) All other uses of service work fine without delays.
- Run a speed test and post the download speed results - we recommend http://www.speedtest.net/
I am on comcast.net with 23 Mbits down and 4Mbits up. By watching the net traffic I can see your feed just stopping for long periods of time with the player eventually exhausting the buffer. Since I can’t adjust the buffer size on my end, there is little I can do remedy the situation.