Zombies, you got to love them!

I can’t wait to get a chance to go. I got a light day of classes Wednesday, perhaps I can go then :slight_smile:

Just saw the commercial on TV.
Guy talking about how to kill zombies and uses watermelons to demonstrate. Very funny!!!

I am soo gonna find a way to see zombie land, like sneak into the theatre

Nazi zombies??? Now this looks interesting.

I think I will have to check this one out to. It looks like too much fun.

Looks like this one will give you more good zombie dreams!

Nazi Richard Simmons perhaps? LOL

I need to go see zombieland today.

to the movie theatres, but the movie dead snow looks interesting, I kinda like it.

nazi zomies, nazi vampires close enough, get someone in there running around with a big red coat and a big red hat, would be fun…

Opens June 19 2009 what the…

dragonrider_cody wrote:

Oh! My eyes! I think I just went blind!

“there’s a zombie on your lawn…”

Tis the season!! :laugh:

Bring back the singing flower! That was the coolest little diddy.

I had a dream that I was being chased by zombies last night. I did well at first, but I was surrounded by zombies when I woke up. I don’t think I would have made it.
Also saw Zombieland. It was a great zombie comedy. I recommend it to zombie lovers everywhere.

I saw zombie land, they put it out as a comdy, but it’s not a full comedy in the sense of stupidity, it’s really a zombie satire, I mean these people have adapted pretty well. I imagine if you know these rules well enough, you’d do well… I love the rule thingy so funny, saw it last night

Yes, it’s very much in the same spirit of Shaun of The Dead or Boy Eats Girl. The movie is hilarious, and even manages to get a few scares in. I think I might go see it a second time.

omg his thing about the… and then you just pop up in the… and it was a it was funny, I screamed out loud funny…

Yeah, it’s been an extremely long time since I laughed so hard at a movie. And the parts with Bill Murray, they were priceless.

“I’ve never been very good with pranks.”

I saw it coming a mile away…“Do you have any regrets?” and his answer… priceless!

Hey! Hey! Zombie Land is soon to be released!