ADVNation relaunches as SXAniMedia for 1 year Birthday

Funi is doing a virtual panel tomorrow.
rolls eyes

Oh, I don’t care. Usually they just say a bunch of stuff I don’t care about, or outright lie, and when they announce something, it’s usually a show I wouldn’t waste my money on.

Did that sound too harsh?

Not at all.

You know, some people would find that question to me insulting…

Chris what another company does this week or tomorrow (even if it was ADV or Sentai), has nothing to do with this or me, especially since theirs was made today after the fact. I am not competing with any site, blog and certainly not a million dollar company. Though if companies are finding me competition, I find that a great honor. :stuck_out_tongue: But even if it did, why should I (who made my announcement first) put a halt to whatever I’m doing?

To answer your question though, mine is not a time-sensitive thing. It won’t disappear in a few hours.

Oh, Please everyone refrain from using the bathroom until Section 23 and Sentai’s next solicitation. :stuck_out_tongue:

I can try :stuck_out_tongue:

I didn’t mean to insult, unless lets just say, I knew you didn’t like Funimation and I said that. Then I can see you being insulted.

Then again if Funi has a big announcement I might forget to come back here. Just like when Section 23 announced To Love-Ru, I was going to watch a new show on Crunchyroll that nght and forgot all about it.

Thanks for the clarification. :wink:

But yeah, mine isn’t a time-sensitive event that people will miss out on, there’s no exact time of it starting or ending. It’s just a general marking. People can check it sometime tomorrow or on friday, the weekend, etc.

My educated guess.

it’s the new logo for your blog? Or a new format for your blog? OK…i don’t know…

I want to believe you about it having nothing to do with Section 23 or Sentai but man, you put it in the AN Anime and Live Action board and not the General Discussion boards, I can’t help but feel that means something.

Also off topic but how does it feel to have Anime News Network reference you?

That’s very sharp of you to notice. Normally if this were one of the guessing games we hold here for one of those announcements, you’d be absolutely right in where I place those kinds of threads.

In this case though - I only put it here, because the stuff my blog covers is related to writing about these companies - I mean don’t expect me to suddenly post about the weather or what I did today or will eat for dinner; at least not in this blog. :wink: Most of the people interested in ADV or Anime news tend to come to this sub-forum vs EE and vice versa.

It’s a great honor to get sourced/referenced and to be treated with respect by professionals from ANN, AnimeVice, Japanator, Aint it Cool News and other industry sites. The editors of those sites have been doing this stuff for many years, have very high standards and do an incredible amount of positive work for the industry.

I’ll be checking it out tomorrow being as I’ll be out for the whole weekend.

blakdragon7 cool, I’ll try not to be too late about it! :wink: Enjoy your weekend, where are you going?

Did not see your new edit. I thought you were hinting I should just stop whatever I was doing for someone else. Now I understand what you mean. Thanks for clarifying further. :slight_smile:

you should have said you were going to reveal it on friday… making me stay up late only to hold a pile poo under my nose

Are you kidding?

Did you even check the link? It says later part of Thursday. There is a live countdown on the blog timer that says as of this writing 25 hours and 30 minutes from now.

No where did I state it’s coming Thursday midnight or even Thursday morning.

I checked your blog about an hour ago, and it said 23 hours+, so less than 25 hours.

Hmm, the script must account for Time Zone differences based on the computer’s time. The countdown timer expires late thursday night. In either case it’s sometime on Thursday… IF all goes according to plan.

I’m not sure where Haissan is rudely suggesting that it was supposed to be available now. Frankly Haissan that language is surprising coming from you.

It must account for the time difference. It now says 22+ hours. So basically, it’s midnight here. I guess I’ll be seeing the new “thing” earlier than you, hahaha. That is, unless you fix it.

The timer is just for fun mostly. Whatever is going to happen tomorrow I have to do it manually and a bunch of work lol. When I do that, it’ll be viewable by all at the same time.

Dragoon, i’m going to get really really really drunk.

Getting drunk… in a good or bad way (celebrating/fun or drowning sorrow)?

ahh, forgive my dead pan…I only just noticed the timer after my second time and roughly calculated it would be friday midnight before I go to see your announcement…thats not on a thursday…man with all the tyos I have to kep correcting, you’d think I would be drunk…i’m not

Hell I wasn’t even really upset, deadpan will be the cause of war one of these days…someone will be taken serious when they were speaking in jest… central time if you needed a reerence

h and there is this thing, is it a pain in the ass to be a news/blog reporter?