ADVNation relaunches as SXAniMedia for 1 year Birthday

I all excited to see what dragoons’ blog will be debuting soon. Can’t wait to see what’s up.

I am too, and it had better be good! I am staying up till midnight to read it.

Lol. We’re getting all excited, then as the counter reaches zero, a video will pop up of Dragoon just mooning us all…lol

I will run screaming from the room! :slight_smile:
But, can’t wait to see what it really is!

Apologies for the delay - due to last minute technical difficulties, please check back later on Friday October 15 (PST). Thank you for your patience and understanding.

I will try to have it ready before tomorrow evening. Counter has been given a +1 day update.

Yeah, actually just went to the page as you posted this. I guess we will have to forgive you this time. But next time, may god have mercy on your soul… :stuck_out_tongue:

When I get drunk, it’s always a celebration.

four min to go

and his is what I got

We’re checking it for errors right now.

Good luck getting this going. I’m sure dragoon is racking his brain, trying to get everything just right. I’ll be sure to check it out either later or tomorrow.

Sorry I’m late. I’ve been working on this stuff almost all day for the last two weeks to make sure everything is place… there were a few technical hurdles that kept pushing me back.

So without further delay…

As most of you know I’m not really big into my own birthdays, but this one is different though. I’m celebrating my blog’s 1st year birthday!

ADVNation blog as a name has been retired (updated the info on the old blog), it has now relaunched for its 1 year Anniversary under the new name SXAnime. Tons of new features and it has taken me 2 months of incredibly hard work with customizing every single little thing to make sure I’ve brought my blog up to industry levels, the latest blog and social networking features have been added as well.

Find out more and why I changed the name at: sxanime.blogspot

Be sure to comment too! :wink: I’m hoping this new platform will create easier access for the post-ADV companies to get fan feedback and vice-versa for fans to be able to give them their thoughts and opinions.

Whoever figures what my little homage to ADV is in the blog, will get massive props!

Congratz on the re-launch man! That site is frigen cool! Man you really outdid yourself with this one. Everything looks great. I especially like the little thing on the top that keeps changeing back and forth.

Also I never thought I would be right, otherise I wouldn’t have put that stuff in the spoilers here anyway lol. Kinda spoiled it for people I guess. Sorry. I’m never really good with guessing things lol! Who knew I’d be right…kinda?

Very nice Dragoon! I give it my seal of approval. It seems more polished than the old blog. Very nice update.

Prede indeed you guessed it. :slight_smile: You have a knack for this thing… In the first Anime Network guess the game thread earlier this year, It’s Coming, you got the closest on that one also.

The featured story revolving images at the frontpage is also my favorite… you have no idea how long it took me to understand how to implement that, and customize it.

Beautiful design on your new blog dragoon. I will be sure to check it out often, and pass on your site to friends who enjoy anime. Kudos and congrats!
PS I’ll be sure to try to find out how you paid homage to ADV. I see how you mentioned that it’s the logo symbol.

Thanks a lot for the kind words and comment on the blog dude, appreciate it!

Sounds like a grand idea and yep it is, I wanted to make it easier to guess with a hint. :wink:

Looks good!

This reminds me of the question you were asked in one of the ANN threads about if you were going to change the name of your blog now that ADV got dissolved in name.

Here’s my problem, I don’t know what logo your talking about. Is it the one with the starfish? Best Student Council?

The main SXAnime one that’s on most pages.

Nah not that one, the starfish one with candles for the About SXAnime/1yr anniversary post is from Clannad.

The new site looks great! :wink: Hope to see it for many years to come!
Congrats & Happy Anniversary!

I think the logo is a piece from one of the ADV logos when it morphs on the videos. I just can’t slow it down enough to compare.