ADVNation relaunches as SXAniMedia for 1 year Birthday

Thanks Lady and Coffee!

LOL, tons of people were asking me that all over the place in the last month and one I pondered on a good deal during this time. For the most part I was thinking of sticking with it, but sadly there were too many challenges. At least now the new one is sorta detached, more general yet still can apply. It has multiple meanings to boot! When Aaron saw it today, he remarked about fun potentials (which was partially my intention). :stuck_out_tongue:

Hopefully I can now catch up on 2 months of sleep in the next week! Less cranky dragoon in the future. :wink:

Hmmm, so this explains why you’ve been a bit absent that last few weeks. I was starting to wonder if something was wrong. Good to know you were just working on your update.

Yep, been putting almost all my time to this and whatever little I had was focused on the stuff I have to do for AN Services + trying to find time for myself to relax.

I had something else lined up too which was quite time intensive, that would interest more than a few fans, but it may not be happening. We’ll see. :wink:

But first, decompression and relaxation time await!

well its not poo any more!!! lovely…and should we uncork the champagne?

Rai has some Cristal in the fridge!

Very well put together, goon. Glad to see it.

Transition is now completed. I’ve changed my handle hopefully for the last time since I’ve moved the blog to a .com so that it’s more professional and easier to remember now.

My blog is now at sxanimedia