Guess I should say hi

dragonrider_cody wrote:

In case the apocalypse happens before part 1 is delivered, here’s the summary of the section regarding your assigned snack to bring to the bunker:

  1. Genarics are fine, but absolutely NO bottom-barrel tequila will be accepted! (We will inspect the quality of the worm) You may bring it as a combustable or weapon!
  2. Absolutely NO Funions will be permitted in the bunker! If you are caught in possession of these stinky, vile, sorry excuse for a snack, you will be thrown to the Zombies!
  3. Helpful hint: Bringing a case of sugar-free Rockstar may help put your name further down the list of who gets eaten first when the Pop-Tarts run out.

How about a case of pocky?

ALso have a question about page 12,342, section 2, sub-section 4. It says in case of road trips the members with the lowest Karma must ride with Yukari Tanizaki. What happens with ties?

ShawnMerrow wrote:

In case of ties, there will be a play-off that’s decided between Sam and I; trust me, it ain’t easy… :blink:

Post 1,000

Yeah, I’m finally an expert at something. :silly: :woohoo:

Congrats, Shawn! How many of them were just Character names, though? (Not that I can complain… :laugh: )

No, idea. :laugh:

Congratulations!! I’ll bake you some cookies. :slight_smile: It’s the only thing I’m an expert at. :silly:

Nice, make a thousand more.

fillet wrote:

Yes, make a thousand more and still be over a thousand behind Slow…


(pulls out his copy of “The Big Book of Anime Names” thinking, “I’ve got to start catching up!”)

shadycat wrote:

Expert at making cookies, now that is something to be proud about.

Can I have a dozen Snickerdoodle. :slight_smile:

ShawnMerrow wrote:

Only a dozen? You’re easy to please. :laugh: The recipe makes 6 dz - what will I do with all the rest?

shadycat wrote:

[quote]ShawnMerrow wrote:

Only a dozen? You’re easy to please. :laugh: The recipe makes 6 dz - what will I do with all the rest?[/quote]

Well I better check them for quality control. :silly:

Congratulations! :slight_smile: Keep going!