The Outlander Memorial Thread

Lady of Wicca e-mailed me wanting to know how she, too, could be an Avenging Angel

Here is some useful information for starters…

• A socially well-adjusted scientist is an oxymoron.
• There are no 30 year old women–people jump directly from college to late middle age without warning.
• Disney’s Law: Unless they’re freaks, demons, or on a permanent business trip, one or more of your parents is dead.
• In particular, if you are a teenager, both of your parents are either on an extended business trip, or dead.

Paranormal Beings
• All demons find humankind and its civilization disgusting, but are attracted to human women.
• If you come from another plane of existence, you’re almost certainly very, very bad, and more than likely very ugly.
• Most inhabitants of other planes are ugly and male. Most inhabitants of other planets are attractive and female.
• Roddenberry’s Law: 95% of all alien species look almost exactly like humans, but are more attractive on average.
• Women from other worlds are always attracted to meek, average high school students. If there are multiple extraterrestrial women in the same place, they will always like the same one.
• The surest way to encounter a woman from outer space or another dimension is to be alone, male, and late going to or returning from school. This is also the surest way to be attacked by something nasty, so be careful.
• If you have amnesia or can’t clearly remember your childhood, you are either an alien, some sort of extra dimensional being, or a god. If you’re absolutely sure that you’re just a normal girl/boy, you’re almost certainly not.

• If you’re a male main character, your luck with women is inversely proportional to the luck you want to have with women. Don’t want, and you will get.
• Severely injured women never have any visible injuries beyond a scuff on the forehead; severely injured men can be missing arms, legs, or heads.
• Never, ever mess with the two-and-a-half-foot-tall old guy.
• The dumber he seems, the luckier he is in battle.
• If somebody tells you a goofy-looking guy is the most dangerous swordsman/gunslinger/mage/warrior who ever lived, don’t even think about it–they’re probably right.
• If somebody tells you the same about a cute girl, they’re definitely right.
• The size of the shoulder plates on armor is directly proportional to how powerful the wearer is. Take note before picking a fight.

• Clueless people under the age of 21 are always the best people to have in charge of space fleets, armies, or saving the world from demons. If you’re not one yourself, hire one.
• It is impossible for anyone over the age of 20 to do anything important, other than train the hero or die dramatically. Usually both.
• High school students who do well in classes rarely get the girl, or save the universe. There is hope.
• If you are fat, you are not the hero.
• If somebody tells you that you’re the only one capable of saving the world, don’t bother arguing or trying to weasel out of it; they’re right and you’ll just end up doing it anyway.
• If you’re a warrior who only wants to retire and raise a family, you never will.

Bad Guys
• Hideous, tentacled demons are always evil. Stoic, handsome demons are usually worse.
• Guys with squinty eyes are always evil, as are quiet guys with glasses.
• If she’s got lips, she’s bad.
• Beware adolescent geniuses: Their most likely career choice is evil genius, not computer programmer or scientist (unless it’s mad scientist).
• Never, ever have a dramatic change of heart; you will die.
• Girls blush, guys get a nosebleed.
• If you’re a female main character, the amount of attraction you feel for a man is directly proportional to the number of other women who feel the same way. Desire loves company.
• If you’re a man, you will always be initially attracted to tall, glamorous, busty women, but your true love is usually cuter and shorter.
• If you’re a man and there is no romantic competition for the woman of your dreams, she’s obsessed with some sort of machinery.
• If he seems too cool to have a girlfriend, he probably is. Don’t waste your time.
• The deeper a young man’s voice is, the more attractive and self centered he is.
• 1st Rule of Shoujo: the more attractive a man is to women, the more he’ll look like a woman himself.
• 2nd Rule of Shoujo: If he’s hot, he’s gay.
• 3rd Rule of Shoujo: Fangirls dig the pale, skinny guy.

Inexplicable Things
• Everything important centers on Tokyo, particularly extraterrestrial or demonic invasions.
• Further, Shinjuku is the absolute center of the universe. Why remains a mystery.

Armed with these valuable pieces of knowledge, you will hopefully find your next encounter with girls from outer space, paranormal high schoolers, or effeminate men safer and more productive.

I’m always ready for questions

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Can a man love sports more than he loves his woman? I feel compelled to say no. At the same time, it’s very safe to say that he can love both passionately, and find a way to help them coexist. The only problem is that many women still don’t get why sports continues to render them invisible to their man. To them, is jes sports!

It’s universally accepted that you do not, under any circumstances, disturb a man during a game. Some women can’t understand this. They say they do, but they’re the same people who will go to ask the man trivial things during a game, try – without much success – to steal his attention with some sexy lingerie, or call a fella they’re interested in “just to say hi”, during a big match between New York and Miami, and then get upset when he grunts or snaps at them. With sports and men, it’s all about timing.

Men love women. Men love sports. But somehow, men and women in the same room during a game do not make a good combination, unless the women are just as into the game, or have vowed to be absolutely silent. Ladies, doh take it personal.

During the NFL or NBA playoffs, some couples ‘get away’ because the woman just can’t understand the man’s obsession with not missing one second of the game. So she feels rejected, he feels like you’re disrespecting him and his sport, and he’ll normally say something like what these guys told me, when I asked them about this scenario.
“Well we wouldn’t ignore you if you watched it with us… and liked it,”

Another guy said: “Lemme put it like this. A true football fan analyses (the game), so you need to remember everything so you can put that game in full perspective when talking/arguing/toting about it to others. You can’t say what you didn’t see. Therefore, you lose analytical power and will lose out in the overall battle in support for your team. ”

5: Our sports teams will always be there.
Like I said above, Sports teams never leave for the most part.They’re all still around. The first girl heI loved? Long gone. Now, there is the rare occasion where a team moves and I can only imagine that would be crushing. But those sports teams moving are the exception, not the rule. Things not working out with a girl you love? Not all that uncommon.

4: We always get a second chance.
Most of the time, when a woman breaks a man’s heart, that’s the end of the relationship. She moves on, doesn’t look back, and the poor sap is stuck missing some girl he thought loved him. Unfortunately, a guy’s ego is really the only reason he misses the girl. He’s unhappy that he doesn’t get another chance, his ego can’t handle the fact that this girl can just move on so easily. With sports teams, we always get a second chance. I think because women often don’t give men second and third chances when they screw up, They have no problem giving their favorite sports teams passes for years of futility.

3: It’s cheaper to love a sports team.
Unless you’re one of those crazy people who spends their life savings turning their pickup truck into a Vikings helmet, it’s not expensive to love a sports team. You can buy a hat, or a jersey, or tickets to a few games, but generally the price of loving a sports team is cheap, especially considering a hat or a jersey will last for years.

Dating a girl? It can be expensive, but that’s just me. I’m not saying girls are gold-diggers, just that dating someone costs money. Going to dinners, getting drinks, seeing movies, birthday and Christmas (or Hanukkah) presents, among other things, it all adds up. Even if his girlfriend pays for things half of the time (not uncommon), that’s still going to be more expensive than loving a sports team. Most men won’t go to expensive dinners, movies or buy presents for people unless they’re in a relationship.

2: They encourage us to drink with their friends.
Whether we’re tailgating before the game, watching the game at a buddy’s house or at the local sports bar, his favorite sports teams are constantly encouraging him to hang out with his guy friends and get drunk. The only woman that would happily allow us to do that? One that’s fooling around.

1: Men can yell at them as much as they want to.
When a quarterback makes a throw across his body that gets intercepted, your manI can yell as many four letter words heI wants at the TV. If he is at the game, other fans have probably beat him to the yelling, hoping the quarterback will hear them. When a shortstop boots an easy double play ball that allows a runner to score, the man can say derogatory things about his mother or sister and nobody cares. The anger is short-lived and entirely off-base, but it’s accepted.

If his girlfriend steps on his brand new Madden game and shatters it? She’ll apologize, but he won’t ever know if it was actually an accident. Unless we want to start a fight that will end up being about much more than simply that Madden game, he will know to tell her it’s okay, we’ll get a new one, it’s just a video game. But all they want to do is scream at her and ask her how she can step on something that literally has the sun shining on it through the window. Of course, that would be frowned upon by our society, and most people would probably think he is crazy.

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Panty, you are awesome!!!

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I have to disagree. My wife and I both avid baseball fans.
She is a Mets fan and I am a Yankee fan.
The marriage barely survived the last time they met in World series.
It does help that the Mets are not likely to make the play offs.

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Dear Panty -

With Valentine’s Day coming up, how do I give subtle hints to my boyfriend so he doesn’t forget like he did last year?

If he forgets again, is it even worth it to keep him around? (& living?)

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Subtlety is usually lost on a man. However, if you insist, your best bet is to the following - in the order listed:

1.) Forget key ingredients in food. Like when he asks you to make him a sammich, forget the lettuce, the tomato, the meat, and the bread. Instead bring him a plate of mayo and mustard. Maybe a pickle on the side. When he questions you, start ranting about true love and marriage and how you forgot how to make a sammich around this time last year.

2.) Leave the toilet seat down & latched. This, however, can lead to disastrous concequences; especially after a night of binge drinking. It is best to follow this advice when you are at his place & have a secondary bathroom to use (like the one in the lobby). Leave before he wakes, and be certain to leave a plate of mayo and mustard on the counter. Stay away for at least 3 days.

3.) Flush his truck keys down the toilet. When he wanders around trying to find them, say you remember seeing them somewhere - but just can’t seem to remember things around this time of year. If he had a better memory, then he would not be in this predicament.

4.) Help him do his laundry. When he washes his unmentionables, be sure to throw your red silk panties in the load. (Because you must sacrifice the panties, be sure to they are not your favorite ones.) When he complains about all the pink, start ranting about how red and pink are the colors of love and it seems he forgets about these things this time of year.

5.) Knit a cupid outfit for his dog. If you do not have the key to his apartment, break in after he leaves for the bar. Superglue the outfit to the dog. Feed the dog a half bag of dog food, and some ex-Lax. As he complains about you being some weird stalker / overly attached girlfriend, remind him that restraining orders only work if the cops remember to come around this time of year.

6.) Print a loving message on pink paper with heart-shaped watermarks. The message should read something like: “I can’t stop thinking about you this time of year.” The morning of the big game, take some contact cement and paste this to his television screen. As he sits down to watch the big game, be sure to bring him a beer & a plate with mayo, mustard, and a pickle. If he begins screaming - remind him that you have studied the art of vivisection & your memory works this time of year!

If, after all of this hard work, he still forgets you on Valentines Day, it is time for you to cut your losses. However, as a favor to all womanhood, be certain to sew raw shrimp into his curtains and stuff anchovy paste in his truck’s heating grill. Be glad that you have saved the next woman the outrage of a man who forgets this wonderful time of year.


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Thank you Panty! Your advice is wonderful as always. I shall begin tonight!!! Thankfully, I just went shopping and I have plenty of mustard and mayo!

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[size=16]Bank of Pain[/size]

[quote=“outlander, post:1, topic:2914, full:true”]
The Anime Network
Houston, Tx 65633

Re: Tan Forum #

Property address : The Internetz

Dear TAN: You have fallen behind on your Internet payments. You must bring the balance current within 30 days of the date of this letter by sending the amount shown below to Outlander’s Bank of Pain in the form of a money order or certified check. The total amount due as of [03/13/2011] is $254,650.00.

To bring your account current, you must also include with the above payment, any payments or late charges that are due during this 30-day period. Acceptance of less than the total amount due includes, but is not limited to, the principal and interest and all other outstanding charges and costs. Acceptance of less than the total amount due does not waive our right to demand the entire balance due under the terms of your Internet agreement.

If you do not bring your debt current within 30 days of the date of this letter, Outlander’s Bank of Pain will demand the entire balance outstanding under the terms of your mortgage agreement. This amount includes, but is not limited to, the principal and interest and all other outstanding charges and costs. Outlander’s Bank of Pain will start legal action to foreclose on the Forum, which will result in the sale of the property. We may also have the right to seek a judgment against you for any deficiency after the Forum is sold.

You have the right to bring your Debt current after legal action has begun. You also have the right to assert in the foreclosure proceeding the nonexistence of the default or any other defense to our legal action and sale of the property. We want to work with you to resolve the problem and help you bring your account into good standing. We urge you to contact Outlander’s Bank of Pain at 1-800-lutz] who will work with you to try to solve your current difficulty. Sincerely,

Banking Bastard[/quote]
Originally posted: March 8, 2011 @ 12:28am

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But I sent in the payment last week! I must’ve forgot to sign it. Can I get an extension? ;_;

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But I sent in the payment last week! I must’ve forgot to sign it. Can I get an extension? ;_;[/quote]

Ha! Ha! Ha!

All your base belongs to us

We have 4chan’s Moot as a potential buyer

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Bank of Pain… I think that might be a nickname for my bank.

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I see investment potential.

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Why did I keep reading this as “Back of Pain”? Bank of Pain is scarier though.

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Why did I keep reading this as “Back of Pain”? Bank of Pain is scarier though.[/quote]
Same here! :laugh: I have to do a double-take every time I read the title!

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Me too. :blush:

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I think I’m gonna need a bail out, do you think this establishment can help me out?

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Dear Mr. Rai,

Five months have elapsed since our last contact. In that time no payment has been documented by our collections department. We have no other option but to foreclose on this forum. Here is our legal department attorney to serve you with the foreclosure documents and notice that ownership has passed to the Bank of Pain.

You are instructed to take leave of the forum immediately. and take your little hairy men with you.

This forum is under new ownership. There will be some new amendments to the rules:

1)All Tan-ettes must post nekked.
2)Haissan must prepare a buffet for forum members everyday ( I likes BBQ ribs)
3)Redshirt must now wash and wax my car every week

More new rules to come


Outlander, Bastard Banker
Bank of Pain

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My gawd, were gonna lose it all! Do something, Rai!

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And they called me crazy for putting a wash setting on the phaser!

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Sorry folks, I spent all the money on hookers, booze, and boozed up hookers (who brought over some booze). ;_;

Looks like it’s suicide again for me!

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